Sometimes I wonder if I am really mad. Mad to see the world the way I do…mad to do the stuff that I do…mad to think so much, to peep into the sparrows nest on my rooftop, and then smile to myself on seeing the feather family celebrating the new rays of sunlight of the new day…mad to stand like an idiot in the middle of a rain showered road, to let my nostrils fill with the aroma of the thirst of the dry heat suddenly satiated by the innocent droplets of water…mad to be what I am…
My common sense tells me that I might just actually be one…because you always say so. But I wonder if it would be so different being “you” and not “me”. Do you also feel your thoughts wandering into the tranquil zones of desire when you see birds flock near that temple, and fly in symmetry upon the slightest of the whispers to disturb the silence of their silent world…do you also feel your hands tremble with excitement on witnessing a lost ant meander here and there, and finally reunite with her kingdom, just to be lost in the crowd the very next moment…do you find yourself smiling when that pigeon shits on your vehicle every morning…do you feel all this? Or am I really mad?

You told me today that you don’t dream like me…but I don’t dream either!!! Trust me…I don’t. I don’t think of the mountains when I see the sun rising from beyond the horizon…I don’t dream of the hills when I see it go down. I don’t dream of heavens when I feel the raindrops on my eye lids…trust me, I don’t. All I do is feel…taste…see…sense…be. But is it really so different being “you” and not “me”? I want to know…to know how it feels to be you. What do you feel when the hushed evenings greet you with a bitter cup of coffee and suddenly you realize that there is more to life than just office and work…what do you feel when you take the first sip of that coffee, close you eyes, and drown into that couch like a kitten does in the comforting haven of its mother. How does wind feel like in your nostrils? How does that music feel like in your ears? How do the cold window panes feel like on your fingertips? How does it feel to be you…?
I know the taste of water…but I don’t know what it tastes like to you…