Long time, indeed. No muse knocked on the doors of my consciousness to drag me out of my slumber to pen another one of those notes I used to till about a year or two ago. But finally it did come knocking, and when it did, it did so with a thunder. Ever wondered how many co-incidences happen all the time in the world around us? On second thoughts, its funny how everything that happens happens not because it is intentionally made to happen, but certain other happening that happen to happen unconsciously make it happen…lets put it simply. Had that man (perhaps in his 50s) not stopped to check his pockets while walking to his car, realizing that he had forgotten his vehicle keys in the house, gone back and returned talking on the phone, lazily strolling towards the thing all engrossed in the talk, perhaps he would have escaped, by a few seconds, the bird shitting on him right in the middle of his head. Coincidence isn’t it? Its not over yet. The bird wasn’t really stationed where he had to be to aim on the man’s head…the poor thing was chewing on something in his little corner when, just before the man was to reach the auspicious point, another one of its clan flew it off hoping to grab the grub. It fluttered its wings and moved to where he was meant to be. Everything fell in its right place for the bird to shoot right at the moment when the man strolled by. Boom!!! Thunder followed when the man chose to ignore that the bird, even if it tried, wouldn’t understand the abuses it was being honored with.
The simple incident took me a few months back. Ah, indeed there is fate. And indeed there is destiny. Was it the man’s fate to be bird-shitted upon this morning? Was it bound to happen? Was it already written somewhere out there? Or was it just an interaction of variables, unrelated but interactive? How free is a man from what he is destined to be? Does he choose? Can he choose? Is this choice real? Does this choice make any difference in what happens later? How much, if at all it does? Did that second bird jump on our shooter bird because he had to, for the man’s destiny to happen? Or did the sky pour shit on the man’s head because the bird was attacked? Did he forget the keys, and then got that phone call because only then what was destined to happen could happen? Or did he just forget it, independent of the birds fighting in the air, independent of destiny…he just did!
Yes, if there is one thing that is not as deceptive as the rest, it is the coincidences! Its amazing how easily I have been priding myself of all sorts of things, without realizing that it wouldn’t have been on the man’s head if the birds weren’t fighting!
If the shit fell spot in the middle of the man’s head, does it make the bird a sharp shooter? I feel humbled…
I miss your writings..this one was very humorous, witty and yet thoughtful.
Hope you do keep putting on your gtalk status- 'blog updated' ;)
heheh the bird did the usual
the man was unlucky :P
yeah... the co-incidences or synchronicities of life.
mysteries... I want to discover!
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